Sunday 14 June 2015

Respiratory diseases - Asthma

Asthma affects the small airways (bronchioles) that carry air in and out of the lungs. If you have asthma your airways can become inflamed, swollen and constricted (or narrowed) and excess mucus is produced. The symptoms of an asthma attack include:
▪A tight chest
▪Difficulty breathing
▪Shortness of breath

Asthma symptoms flare up from time to time and there are certain things that may trigger asthma symptoms in a sufferer.  Some of these triggers are listed below:

Asthma symptoms flare up from time to time and there are certain things that may trigger asthma symptoms in a sufferer.  Some of these triggers are listed below:

Infections E.g. colds, coughs, chest infections.
Irritants or allergens - substances which induce an allergic reaction such as house dust mite, pollen, perfumes
Exercise – This can exacerbate asthma, nonetheless exercise is good for asthma sufferer.  if necessary patients can use an inhaler before exercise to prevent symptoms from developing.
Certain drugs – 1 in 50 people with asthma are allergic to aspirin
Smoking and cigarette fumes
Other fumes and chemicals - E.g. from paints, solvents and air pollution.
Emotion - Stress, emotional upset, or laughing may trigger symptoms.
Allergies to animals - Such as pet cats, dogs, and horses.